t is necessary to data automatic backup to many enterprises, but because of the expensive cost, many enterprises have not the system. How to obtain balance between the price and requirement? SixColor can do.
One study find that the cost of data leakage and lose have increasing every years. The first is the business, accounting for 69% of the total cost.
The cost of data lose are not the single cost that receive notice. They make enterprise lost important business and opportunity. That’s the reason why data lose bring expensive cost.
Most of the data lose are not caused by hacker, and because of some company staffs negligence.
Data automatic backup
Ensure client data security, through automatic backup system backup to server, then collect Backup and manage data by server.
Because we know that all computers are not stable and easy to destruction. It may be lead to personal data lose.
Automatic backup user file
Automatic backup user e-mail
Automatic backup user chat and other system set up recording.
Fast and multi-version data recovery
Server date backup
According to plan backup date go to backup device. Based on the different of business and importance customize suitable backup plan and frequency to ensure custom key application and recovery quickly.
Carry out backup to important file by hour.
Automatic backup server file by planning
Automatic backup database file
Automatic backup system state
Fast Date recovery
Deletions, file is missing, hard disk damage, virus damage and vandalism led to waste work time and lost business opportunities, and increases the cost of data recovery, or may really can not be restored.
Fast data recovery enable users to quickly find the recent version of data backup; do not waste any time and the cost of data recovery.
Case: France manager store him all email in Clients mail content. Deleting all email because of carelessness, and unrecoverable.
Our engineer know this state, they find mail backup in the morning by Remote control, and recovery clients content. Make custom have no lost email. The custom is satisfied with us.